American Square Dances of The West
& Southwest - online instruction book

With Calls, instructions, diagrams, steps & sheet music

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of the West and Southwest
The set is now in a formation of two lines of three each in the Side positions, and a single gentleman in each Head Couple's position. The two lines of three (the "side six"), link their elbows and dance three steps forward and three steps backward. As they dance backward, the two gentlemen in the Head posiĀ­tions (the "end gents"), dance three steps forward and three steps backward. As the "end gents" dance backward, the "side six" dance forward, and the two gentlemen in the center of the lines hook their fingers to form a pivot around which the "side six" turn clockwise, half around, so that the lines have exchanged positions. The "side six" now dance three steps backward, while the "end gents" dance across the set to exchange places with each other, passing in the center by the right shoulder. As the "side six" dance backward to place, they release their linked elbows and spread out to full arms' length in their lines. On the call of "Right hand high, left hand low," the two Side GentleĀ­men raise their right hands high, holding the ladies' hands, and pass the lady on their left through this arch, to the gentleman*s right side, at the same time passing the lady on their right side over to their left side. All hand holds are retained as the ladies are crossed over in front of the gentlemen. The gentlemen now release the ladies' hands, and the ladies dance in the direction they were passed to take their places at either side of the two "end gents," with whom the ladies link elbows to form two new lines of three's. These are called the "side six" throughout the dance, regardless of the positions in which the lines of three's are located. The two Side Gentlemen are now standing alone in the Side Couple's positions, and become the new "end gents," this term being applied to the two single gentlemen throughout the dance, regardless of which gentlemen are standing alone.
The figure is repeated three more times, with a complete change of partners on each repetition of the figure, the dancers finishing the change with original Partners at home place, after which the chorus is danced. All swing Partners once around with a Waltz Swing, Allemande Left, Grand Right and Left half